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Freedom Party News

September 30 2006


June 13 2005


Freedom Party candidate Adrian Davies's address (click to view pdf file)

May 15 2005

New Freedom Party bulletin



May 6 2005


The Freedom Party's candidate Cllr Sharron Edwards came within a whisker of beating the powerful local Tories in the Wombourne County Council election. It was obviously disappointing to come so close to winning but for a small party to near beat the powerful local Tory machine was a marvellous achievement.

Full result

Tory 2441
FP 2360
Labour 1065
LD 583

May 2 2005


The South Staffs parliamentary election has been delayed owing to the death of the Liberal Democrat candidate. The Freedom Party has suspended campaigning in respect.

May 2 2005


The County Council election campaign with Sharron Edwards as candidate is continuing with an excellent response from voters.

Don't forget to vote FP on Thursday!

Final county election leaflet


April 21 2005


Freedom Party Chairman Adrian Davies is standing for election in the parliamentary constituency of South Staffordshire

ELECTION ADDRESS (click to view pdf file)

April 19 2005



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Page 4 National Edition (click to view pdf file)

Page 4 West Midlands Edition (click to view pdf file)

Would you like a printed copy of Freedom News?

Please send a large SAE to The Freedom Party, PO Box 6307, Market Harborough LE16 8WP

April 10 2005

Are you fed up with the way the country is run and agree with what we are trying to do?

Campaigning with the good quality publicity material the Freedom Party distributes is not cheap. If you do not wish to be more directly involved with us but would like to help why not donate?

Though the FP would prefer to know the details of our donors, so that we can thank them and keep in touch, we understand that some donors will wish to remain anonymous. The law allows us to accept anonymous donations not exceeding £200. Cheques, drafts and postal orders (crossed please) should be made payable to the Freedom Party, and posted to The Freedom Party, 27 Old Gloucester Street, LONDON WC1N 3XX.

February 24 2005

Freedom Party activity in the West Midlands has continued during the winter in preparation for the local elections this year.

The intensive election campaign is now starting with new leaflets and a new edition of the party newspaper Freedom News on the way.


October 6 2004

Party leader's address to Conservative Democratic Alliance meeting.

Party leader Adrian Davies spoke at the CDA's meeting in Bournemouth during the Tory party conference. Among the other speakers was Steve Moxon, who was sacked by the Civil Service for exposing corruption and incompetence by the immigration authority. His book, The Great Immigration Scandal, was published recently.

Precis of Adrian Davies's speech

September 8 2004


June 11 2004


Labour 1591
Labour 1506
Labour 1460
Steve Edwards Freedom Party 1178
Alison Aitken-Jones Freedom Party 859
William Aitken-Jones Freedom Party 835
Conservative 686
Conservative 657
BNP 651
Conservative 541
Liberal Democrat 305
Liberal Democrat 258

About 1100 of the Labour votes were postal block votes.

The Freedom Party has emerged from the election regarded as moral victors with support across all sections of the community. The FP is also accepted as a reputable and serious party by all sides.

May 19 2004


The new Kent Branch of the Freedom Party held a meeting in West Malling last night. Members and supporters enjoyed a convivial evening in a local hostelry, discussed party policy, and reviewed their recent newspaper distribution efforts.

The Freedom News continues to be distributed in Dartford and its surrounding villages, with many local people expressing their concerns about increasing transport congestion and threats to the greenbelt. One resident pointed out a recent Kent County Council initiative, the provision of over �1,000 to the "Dartford Muslim Women's Group", and asked why similar sums never seem to be awarded to morris-dancers, or (if it existed) a "Dartford Men's Christian Group"! It seems that "Tory" Kent is now becoming as politically-correct as Red Ken's old GLC!

The newspaper has also been distributed for the first time in leafy Sevenoaks, one of Kent's most desirable old towns, yet a town which is beginning to suffer from all the usual problems - too much housebuilding, shopping centres, anti-social behaviour from lawless youths etc. We very much hope that our newspaper's message will strike a chord with the patriotic and respectable citizens of this truly Kentish town!

Meanwhile, our (so far) small, yet dedicated team will shortly be out and about in Thanet. Thanet, in the north-east of the county, is currently a Labour-held seat, with the Conservative challenge coming from a former Chief Executive at Central Office - a key "Tory moderniser", or more accurately "Portillista"! The Freedom Party believes that "Tory modernisation" actually means "Guardianisation" - with the Tories buying into the whole "minority rights", "let's-not-be-xenophobic" mentality. The people of Thanet are crying out for a real choice between Labour paralysis and political-correctness, and Tory "modernisation". We hope to fill the void!

May 14 2004

Freedom News Issue 2 (PDF excerpts)

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May 14 2004

New Harborough Freedom News Issue 6

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May 14 2004

New Kent branch of Freedom Party formed

Contact details:-

PO Box 780, West Malling, Kent, ME19 6WJ

May 13 2004

Freedom Party standing three candidates in Tipton

The party is standing a full slate of three candidates in Tipton Green Ward, Sandwell Metropolitan Council, election on June 10. The candidates are:-

Steve Edwards
Alison Aitken-Jones
William Aitken-Jones

May 13 2004



May 3 2004

Tipton June 2004 Election Leaflet

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April 20 2004

Freedom Party joins English Lobby

At a meeting in the Midlands, two parties formally agreed to establish the English Lobby.

The founding groups are the the Freedom Party, and Third Way

Statement of Principles

That the people of England have the right to vote on fundamental Constitutional Issues such as the creation of an English Parliament or secession from the Union, to vote to retain or reject a Monarchy or to remain in or withdraw from the EU i.e. It is not for any political party to make this decision on behalf of the English people, the people themselves should have the right to their own decision through a referendum. The English people and only the English people have the right to make any decision on how they are governed through a fair and open vote.

That England is not divided into nine regions. County boundaries should be restored and if necessary altered to reflect historical boundaries that people would prefer to have, rather than have imposed on them.

That St. George's Day be made a National holiday, that it is celebrated across England and that municipal authorities are obliged to fly the flag of St. George and other organisations are encouraged to fly the national flag. That the nationality of "English" is recognised as such and is accorded the same respect as any other national identity and that people born in England have the right to call themselves English if they so choose.

That English values and culture remain the primary source for the creation of laws and social contracts within England.

February 25 2004

Second Freedom Party letter in the Times

February 4 2004

Freedom Party letter in the Times

January 13 2004

Recent press coverage of the Freedom Party and Cllr Sharron Edwards in the West Midlands

Litter campaign

Airport campaign

December 3 2003


Party council, grass-roots members and allied groups unite at "rally for Britain"

The Freedom Party's Annual General Meeting, in a comfortable hotel in Wolverhampton at the end of November, brought together a wide range of people and organisations, and succeeded in generating a strong debate on many issues. The topics covered included: local government and public services; the need to restore our "quality of life" as a society; multiculturalism and nationhood; the countryside and greenbelt; and Europe and the nation-state. The meeting was fluently chaired by Dave Ball.

Among the guest speakers were Mike Smith, the Chairman of the Conservative Democratic Alliance, Right Now! editor, Derek Turner, and Sam Swerling, a former Chairman of the Monday Club. To much applause, Mike and Sam discussed the failure of the Tory Party, both as an Opposition and as a vehicle for conservatism. Mike informed the audience that a plan was underway to challenge some of the leading "socially liberal" Tories - especially those with slim majorities - and called upon patriots of all groups to unite for the common good of the patriotic, pro-sovereignty cause. He said that Britons all over the country were waiting for people like those present to offer them change. Derek Turner (who has written for The Sunday Telegraph and The Times) spoke of the need to restore the "values of our civilisation - the values now so discarded and reviled by a decadent political class which just sneers at Britain".

Steve Edwards and Dave Ball (Chairman of the Market Harborough Branch) discussed the vacuum which has now opened up in British politics, and the clear opportunities which exist for "our democratic, mainstream party".

Dave Ball then introduced Freedom Party Chairman Adrian Davies as someone whose legal brain could cut through all problems and arrive at a suitable course of action.

In a room decorated with all the flags of the United Kingdom (as well as an Australian flag), our National Chairman Mr Davies said that there were a range of views on the right but that the big parties had traditionally not found a diversity of views a handicap to a united programme of political action. It was essential that the right united while maintaining core values like support for the nation state. Some groups wished to evade central issues - as with UKIP concerning immigration.

The right's programme was not centrally about economics - as with the Tories during the 1980s - but about retaining an identifiable nation. Countries which tried to base their societies purely on a common system of government, like the US, were inclined to gradually splinter. In the US, there was now the phenomenon of 'black flight' as well as 'white flight' in the face of unlimited migration.

A successful right-wing party needed to be democratic - not an entity effectively the property of its leader. A party had to belong to its members. This had been too often ignored by right-wing groups with a lack of financial transparency, and the expulsion of people who did not suit the interest of the leaders.

The Freedom Party had been established to set an example of how to do it properly and was doing so.

Adrian Davies concluded proceedings by calling for all patriots to enlist in the Freedom Party - "a party which has democracy and integrity at its heart". Adrian continued: "In a town so deeply associated with the legacy of Enoch Powell, it is right that the Freedom Party should call for a renewal of British identity. Nationality depends on kinship and a sense of ancestral domain, and that is what we are fighting for."

Amendments to the constitution - in particular staggered elections to the Council designed to guarantee continuity of leadership - making for a more democratic organisation (yet preserving internal continuity and strength), were enthusiastically approved.

The party's Treasurer, Michael Newland, gave a report on the party's finances, and thanked the retiring treasurer, Jonathan Bowden, for his work for the party. A raffle and appeal for funds succeeded in raising a healthy sum for the party.

Details of future local and national meetings will appear in due course, and we wish to thank everyone who joined us in Wolverhampton for their attendance, support and generosity.

(Members interested in the work of the Conservative Democratic Alliance should contact Mike Smith at BCM Box 9045, London WC1N 3XX. Right Now! magazine can be obtained from PO Box 361, 78 Marylebone High Street, London W1U 5AP.)

A social was held following the meeting for party members and supporters.

Picture: Dave Ball (left) Adrian Davies (centre) Stuart Millson (right)

December 1 2003

Letters in local press supporting Councillor Edwards' work in the West Midlands

November 18 2003

The Freedom Party will hold its 2003 Annual General Meeting and following Unity Meeting in Wolverhampton on Saturday November 29.

Among the guest speakers will be Mike Smith of the Conservative Democratic Alliance, Editor of Right Now! Derek Turner, former Tory parliamentary candidate Sam Swerling, and Chairman of the Populist Party Russell White.

Chairman of the Freedom Party Adrian Davies and Editor of the Freedom Party newspaper Stuart Millson will also speak together with other officers of the party.

The meeting is by invitation only.

All enquiries please telephone/fax 01902 892 769 and mobile 07733 223 630.

November 10 2003

The Freedom Party continues to get regular and favourable publicity in the West Midlands deriving from Cllr Sharron Edwards' work for residents.

The party is preparing for its AGM at the end of November which will include a number of guest speakers.

In Market Harborough Newsletter Five has been distributed in the town.

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September 5 2003

The Freedom Party has been planning for forthcoming campaigns during the summer months.

A very enjoyable weekend's campaigning was held in the W Midlands during August also allowing officers to discuss future plans. A mobile leafleting team has been formed to help new branches get up and running. A new and updated introductory leaflet is in preparation to send to postal enquirers. Mr Bryan Elcock has taken up the post of West Midlands Regional Organiser. Party membership has doubled in the last year, and the party has been gratified by new memberships continuing to come in steadily during the normally near dead month of August. Mr Michael Newland has now replaced Mr Jonathan Bowden as treasurer.

The party has also decided to contest a region in the European elections next year. Substantial pledges towards the costs of this campaign have been received already but much more is needed.

Councillor Sharron Edwards is now receiving regular and substantial coverage in her local press about the enormous volume of work she is undertaking regarding local issues. Opponents who thought the FP was a protest vote, and that Sharron Edwards would be a token councillor, are finding that they were sadly mistaken!

Local cemetery


June 7 2003

A very successful meeting for party members was held in Wombourne which raised more than �1500 in donations towards party funds.

The speakers included Chairman Adrian Davies, Councillor Sharron Edwards, Group Development Officer Dave Ball, Elections Officer Steve Edwards, Party Secretary Paul Handsaker, and Press Officer Michael Newland.

May 28 2003

Among her many other duties, Councillor Sharron Edwards presented awards at Codsall High School's girl's football competition on May 23.

May 2 2003

Sharron Edwards has won the first ever Freedom Party council seat on Wombourne South West District Council with 40.6% of the vote.

Result: Freedom Party 641, Conservative 483, Conservative 457

Mrs Edwards also took an easy first place in the parish election.

Steve Edwards took second place in Tipton Green Ward with 26.4%

Result: Labour 1724, Freedom Party 1084, Conservative 633, BNP 526, Socialist Labour 134

Alison Aitken-Jones took fourth place in Princes End with 6.6%.

Result: BNP 754, Labour 717, Conservative 365, Freedom Party 135, UKIP 69

In Market Harborough's Little Bowden Ward, a town which the Freedom Party had never contested before, Dave Ball won the support of 11.4% of the 1206 voters participating with two votes each.

Result: Liberal Democrat 681 and 654, Conservative 392 and 381, Freedom Party 138

Press release

April 27 2003

The Freedom Party is standing the following candidates in local elections to be held on May 1:-

Wombourne South West Ward - South Staffordshire District Council - Sharron Edwards
Wombourne South West Parish Council - Sharron Edwards
Sandwell Metropolitan Council - Princes End Ward - Alison Aitken-Jones
Sandwell Metropolitan Council - Tipton Green Ward - Steve Edwards
Harborough District Council - Little Bowden Ward - Dave Ball

Harborough election address 1 page 1 | page 2
Harborough election address 2 page1 | page 2

Wombourne election address page 1 | page 2 | page 3

Princes End elections address page 1 | page 2 | page 3

March 30 2003

The party held a weekend of campaigning in target seats in the West Midlands for the May local elections. Local residents joined regular party campaigners in canvassing wards - an expression of the growing public support for the FP in the area across a wide social spectrum. The FP has a very full programme of activities arranged up to polling day, both in the West Midlands and in Market Harborough.

March 22 2003

Party Chairman Adrian Davies spoke at a very lively London meeting of the Conservative Democratic Alliance.

Among other speakers were Derek Turner, the editor of Right Now!, Mike Smith and Sam Swerling.

Adrian Davies called on those who were unhappy with the state of the country - the entire audience - to accept that the Tory Party was dying on its feet, no longer supported British interests, and that they should actively support alternatives.

February 23 2003

The Freedom Party held a very busy weekend of activities in the West Midlands on February 22 and 23. Several teams of leafleters distributed towards 5,000 copies of the new party newspaper, Freedom News, in target wards for the forthcoming May local elections. The party is gearing up for intensive campaigning during March and April

January 18 2003

Harborough Freedom News No 4 issued

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November 24 2002

The Freedom Party held its first Annual General Meeting in Birmingham on November 24.

The well-attended meeting, chaired by Sharron Edwards, heard speeches from Party Chairman Adrian Davies, Treasurer Jonathan Bowden, Campaign Director Eddy Butler, Group Development Officer Dave Ball and Press Officer Michael Newland.

The speakers emphasised that the Freedom Party was formed as an activist organisation which aimed to fight and win elections. The Treasurer also presented his first financial report. Over £400 was raised by the collection which was followed by a buffet.

It was announced that Adrian Davies, Jonathan Bowden, Eddy Butler, Sharron Edwards, Steve Edwards and Dave Ball had been elected unopposed to the council. It was also announced that an Extraordinary General Meeting would be held during 2003 to vote on changes to the constitution designed to improve the running of the party in the light of the experience of the first two years since its foundation.

October 9 2002

Freedom Party chairman Adrian Davies spoke at a meeting in Bournemouth of the Conservative Democratic Alliance.

About 100 people heard our chairman argue that a new party was needed to represent the British people which campaigned across the full range of issues important to us. The Tories had abandoned all common sense in favour of 'politically correct' posturing concerning. for example, the selection of election candidates. The meeting, of course, coincided with the Tory conference held near by. The leader of UKIP also spoke saying that those who believed that they could win the Conservative Party round to supporting the continued existence of Britain would be meeting again in several years time with their ambition still unfulfilled.

Full text of Adrian Davies's speech

September 28 2002

A large group of active FP members held a campaign day across target wards in Sandwell followed by a social evening.

September 28 2002

Our intensive Harborough campaign continues with the distribution of Harborough Freedom News No 3.

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September 22 2002

The party distributed thousands of leaflets at the vast Countryside March held in central London today. We had as many members in our leafletting team as UKIP - a far larger and older party. We are now receiving a steady flow of enquiries as a result.

Leaflet distributed:

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September 9 2002

Freedom Party activists held a busy weekend of campaigning in the West Midlands on 24, 25 August.

Leaflet distributed:

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July 22 2002

The Freedom Party held a day-long leafletting in the Black Country on Saturday 20 July which was supported by members from Wales and London as well as the very strong local group.

June 27 2002

New Market Harborough 'Ambulance special' leaflet

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May 13 2002

Letter in Express & Star May 9

May 13 2002

New Market Harborough publicity newspaper - Harborough Freedom News

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May 6 2002

Freedom Party candidate Steve Edwards came second in the poll for the Tipton Green Ward of Sandwell Borough Council
scoring 24.08% of the vote.

Election address (front) | (verso)

Full result:

Labour 2030
Freedom Party 1070
Conservative 461
Independent 394
BNP 334
Socialist Labour 154

During the last days before the poll the BNP put out a leaflet displaying the Freedom Party's address as their own. Press Release May 6  The motive for this is not known as a matter of fact but it is not difficult to surmise given the known reluctance of local voters to be associated with the BNP. The use of a false address on election material is an offence and the police have been notified and are investigating the matter. The Labour Party then distributed a leaflet throughout the ward claiming that the Freedom Party was the same thing as the BNP since both had the same address - an entirely false claim. A complaint has been made to the Returning Officer about Labour's incorrect statement. The objective was to dissuade voters from supporting the Freedom Party since many of our supporters would not wish to be associated with the BNP. This matter has received extensive coverage in the local media since the poll including coverage in the local Express & Star. The Daily Mail covered the big vote for the Freedom Party on May 3 and Steve Edwards also appeared on local television.

April 13 2002

Candidate Steve Edwards' Election leaflet for the Sandwell Borough Council elections to be held on May 2

January 1 2002

Market Harborough Group Activity Report for 2001

The Market Harborough Group of the Freedom Party has begun the campaign for the next local elections in the town, which will be in May 2003. The 18 months left will allow the party and the candidates to become familiar to local electors prior to election time. A target ward has been chosen, Market Harborough Bowden.

Work has begun on leafleting this ward using a locally designed 'warm up' leaflet alongside a national one. Approximately 50% of the ward has been leafleted already. A second local leaflet is currently being designed that firmly focuses on issues within the town.

The Organiser, Dave Ball, has begun to campaign vigorously on local issues. In two cases he brought problems to the attention of the local District Council which resulted in a successful outcome. One of these resulted in some publicity in the town paper which helped to raise the profile of the party locally. Further intervention in local issues is in progress with the intention of ensuring that the electors realise that The Freedom Party both cares about local issues and is capable of achieving results.

New local West Midlands leaflet - October 20

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West Midlands Freedom Party held a very positive meeting in Birmingham on July 29 attended by
over 30 people.

Chaired by Deputy Chairman Sharron Edwards those attending heard speeches by all the other
national officers.

Treasurer Jonathan Bowden reviewed the current condition of politics in Britain. The main parties refused to debate most of the biggest issues facing the country for fear of being accused of political incorrectness. For example, lack of discipline in schools was destroying education but the matter was barely if at all mentioned during the General Election. It was likely that the Tories would continue to avoid the real issues in case they attracted the 'extremist' tag.

National Agent Steve Edwards discussed the Wombourne County Council election campaign and the fact that it was fought in an area without sink estates usually associated with 'nationalist' electioneering.

Campaign Director Eddy Butler pressed home the point that success for a radical party like the FP depended on canvassing.

Press Officer Michael Newland told the audience that the FP had already disproved two myths common among patriotic groups - that good votes could only be obtained in deprived areas and that media coverage would always be negative in its overall effects. Sharron Edwards' vote in Tipton was obtained in a prosperous middle-class area. Labour's attempts to attack her in the Wolverhampton Chronicle had backfired.

Party Chairman Adrian Davies emphasised that the patriotic right could only succeed if free from the financial irregularities so common in organisations of this kind, and if it rejected entirely any attempts at entryism by the small number of people in the country who believed in dictatorship and who had done so much damage in the past by driving away decent people from supporting British interests.

Freedom Party Deputy Chairman Sharron Edwards won 15.2% of the vote in the June County Council election in Wombourne, West Midlands. Sharron Edwards (left) canvassing in Wombourne (picture)

This was an excellent result for a new party standing for election for the first time. It was achieved by professional and regular campaigning.

Complete result: -

Conservative 2935
Labour 1758
Liberal Democrat 1179
Freedom Party 1049

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